
Helping with the preservation and/or transfer of your assets, with an eye for tax, legal, family and inheritance aspects. Our integrated approach guarantees success. Our integrated approach guarantees success.

Estate and succession planning

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Advice before, during and after divorce

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Complex settlements and distributions

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Declaration of estate

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Disputes and inheritance

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Extrajudicial power of attorney and administration

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Family businesses

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Gifts & wills

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Living and investing abroad

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Marriage and cohabitation contracts

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Mediation and conciliation

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Preparing companies for donation

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Private purchases abroad

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Re-organisation of non-profit organisations

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Real estate operations

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Registration duties and inheritance tax

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Wealth tax

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Estate and succession planning

Transferring your wealth to the next generation is a crucial step. Want tax efficiency and legal certainty in your wealth transfer?
Our expertise focuses on high-net-worth individuals, entrepreneurs and families with significant assets. Indeed, the PRIVATE team specialises in tax law, family law, inheritance law and (family) estate planning. This includes optimising tax burdens, drafting wills, gifts, advising on setting up control structures, and so on.

Advice before, during and after divorce

Divorce is no fun on an emotional level but can be particularly difficult when one of the partners is self-employed or the spouses run a business together. The company may need to be divided between the divorcing parties and, if so, the appropriate solution will require specialist knowledge. You will find that knowledge in the experts working in the PRIVATE team.

Complex settlements and distributions

As the firm can call upon years of experience in complex cases, this team of experts can guide you through the process of liquidation and distribution of estates and matrimonial communities.

Declaration of estate

As tax experts, we at Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers handle estate tax returns and follow up on the further tax settlements. The team has years of experience in this field. They will handle your case in close consultation with one another and keep their fingers on the pulse at all times.

Disputes and inheritance

A dispute over an estate is often an emotional challenge. When it comes to a large and complex cases, it is best to leave it to the professionals. We will guide you through the distribution of inheritance and resolve the corresponding disputes.

Extrajudicial power of attorney and administration

As you age or your health declines, it is important to be prepared for the future. An extrajudicial power of attorney gives you peace of mind that your assets are in good hands should you become unable to make decisions yourself. Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers offers guidance on drafting extrajudicial powers of attorney and will ensure that your wishes are properly recorded legally. We also offer assistance in guardianship proceedings and extrajudicial power of attorney disputes.

Family businesses

Family businesses are managed within the family and passed on from generation to generation. A good relationship between all generations is essential. If your business faces challenges such as succession planning, a sale or conflicts within the family, it is best to be supported by an experienced team where all these concerns are identified and evaluated. A sustainable solution, which respects the interests of all family members involved and ensures the survival of the company, is always our experts’ preferred option.

Gifts & wills

As part of your estate planning, you can draw up a will to determine who gets what in the event of your death. Would you like to pass on wealth to one or more persons while they are still alive? Then you could do it via a gift. As a donor, you want to know the most appropriate way to benefit a particular person. Tax implications will also help determine your choice. The PRIVATE team offers you the necessary support in this regard.

Living and investing abroad

If you are a Belgian living abroad and/or have foreign assets, you need to consider foreign gift and inheritance tax, and the PRIVATE team will help you understand the tax principles across borders so that unwanted tax consequences can be avoided. This involves Belgians planning to move or invest abroad and Belgians who have already taken this step. The PRIVATE team also provides guidance on foreign estates.

Marriage and cohabitation contracts

Spouses and cohabiting partners can organise their affairs to better protect each other and create legal certainty over their assets. How do you deal with children from a previous relationship? What if you build a house on one partner’s land? What if one partner is much wealthier than the other? How can the surviving partner obtain financial security without adversely affecting the children? The PRIVATE team will help you draw up a tailor-made marriage or cohabitation contract.

Mediation and conciliation

Prevention is better than cure and, at Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers, we believe in the power of mediation whereby parties seek a solution to their conflict together through amicable means (i.e. out of court). Because family conflicts not only have an impact on your private life, but can also affect your business, we apply an alternative dispute resolution method for family disputes.

Preparing companies for donation

Are you considering gifting your business to your children? Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers can guide you through the complex tax rules and provide a robust legal structure. We can thus help you ensure the continuity of your business and secure your own financial security.

Private purchases abroad

Are you planning to purchase a vehicle abroad? Or do you want to invest in art, antiques or real estate? It is important to have a good understanding of local laws and regulations. In addition, you can be assisted by a specialist in international law, real estate law, and contract law. Don’t get caught out by the legal nuances of your foreign purchases.

Re-organisation of non-profit organisations

Non-profit organisations, such as Dutch non-profits, associations, orders, foundations, etc., have their own specific legal and tax systems. Our team has the necessary knowledge to support directors and members of non-profit organisations in their day-to-day operations or restructuring. So, as a client, you will avoid legal pitfalls and create a solid legal foundation for your organisation.

Real estate operations

Our team helps you manage your real estate investments as efficiently as possible. We provide expert tax advice, optimising your tax position and ensure your real estate portfolio is structured effectively. We make sure your investments are tax-efficient and legally watertight. We guide you every step of the way, from purchase to management, so you can focus on maximising your returns.

Registration duties and inheritance tax

Registration duties and inheritance tax apply to crucial and often emotional key moments, such as buying a home or receiving an inheritance. In this context, a dispute with the tax administration is particularly sensitive. The PRIVATE team can assist you with regard to tax administration, striving for fair and equitable taxation.

Wealth tax

The experts at Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers offer specialised services and strategic advice on all taxes imposed on assets. They assist clients with compliance with specific laws and regulations and represent them with regard to tax administration. Completing returns and resolving disputes are among the options.

“Tax is everywhere”

“Protect what matters, plan for tomorrow”.

Building up wealth is not easy. Retaining it can be even more difficult. We are partners in structuring and protecting your assets from a fiscal point of view, particularly with regard to inheritance tax, but more generally with regard to anyone and anything that poses a threat.



Family businesses

Are you looking for robust, well-founded tax advice, written in regular language and which offers a viable solution? Then you have come to the right place at Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers! Together, we opt for well-founded solutions that meet both short and long-term objectives. We also take the lead in implementation and are happy to work with your trusted advisers (notary, accountant, banker, etc.).

You can count on the team at Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers for assistance with family disputes. Whether it is the division of a matrimonial community of real estate or the contestation of a will, Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers strives for practical and lasting solutions. Amicably if possible, through the courts if necessary.

Fiscal disputes


Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers defends taxpayers’ interests during audits and discussions on registration duties and inheritance tax. We support clients both at the administrative stage and in court.

Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers are experienced negotiators. From tax to family issues, our priority is always the best possible deal for our clients. We provide the most favourable solution!


Are you looking for robust, well-founded tax advice, written in regular language and which offers a viable solution? Then you have come to the right place at Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers! Together, we opt for well-founded solutions that meet both short and long-term objectives. We also take the lead in implementation and are happy to work with your trusted advisers (notary, accountant, banker, etc.).

Family businesses

You can count on the team at Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers for assistance with family disputes. Whether it is the division of a matrimonial community of real estate or the contestation of a will, Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers strives for practical and lasting solutions. Amicably if possible, through the courts if necessary.

Fiscal disputes

Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers defends taxpayers’ interests during audits and discussions on registration duties and inheritance tax. We support clients both at the administrative stage and in court.


Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers are experienced negotiators. From tax to family issues, our priority is always the best possible deal for our clients. We provide the most favourable solution!