Accreditated juvenile lawyer Mediator in Family matters Member of the Disciplinary Council for Lawyers Master in Law (VUB)
Ann Martens has been a lawyer with the Antwerp Bar since October 1988. She started her career in the office of Dean Jozef Van den Heuvel and joined De Foer Law’s offices in 1993. The firm joined Legant Advocaten in September 2023.
Ann Martens has been practising personal and family law for more than 30 years. She mainly handles divorce cases (whether or not of married partners), including discussions on alimony, residence arrangements, co-parenting, etc., property conflicts (liquidation/division), inheritance cases, juvenile cases, adoptions, and various other issues. She also acts as a family mediator and juvenile lawyer. She advises and assists clients in negotiations and proceedings and strives to provide the highest quality legal services and personal support. Her preferred matters are: