Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers is a Belgian nation-wide law firm specialised in tax law. The firm advises and assists companies, organisations and individuals with tax queries and tax-legal procedures and disputes. Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers defends the taxpayer's interests against the authorities.



The core competencies and specialisations of lawyers at Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers are divided into four aspects: TAX, CORPORATE, CRIMINAL AND PRIVATE.


Prevent, avoid and resolve tax disputes


Acquisitions, mergers, restructuring and planning


If your assets are threatened under criminal law


Private asset structuring, estate planning, advice implementation & dispute with respect to shares and assets

Mission & vision

The mission of Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers is to prevent and resolve tax issues. At Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers, all tax and legal issues are always addressed in a pragmatic and holistic approach. Specifically, this means that lawyers and experts work together to find the best solution based on their own tax specialisation.

Latest articles

The lawyers of Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers ensure that you stay up-to-date on current tax topics by publishing articles on our own expertise platform.

Jan Tuerlinckx

Column J. Tuerlinckx in Trends: Basket in Tax Law. (30/05/2024)

You are an entrepreneur. Not that you have something to hide, but you can’t help feel uneasy whenever you are subject to a tax audit. On the other hand, you know all too well that ‘being compliant’ and the corresponding verification of such compliance is an inevitable part of doing business. And when Big Brother – what a modern government has become – carries out an audit, it is simply inconvenient. That must be accepted.
Jan Tuerlinckx

Column J. Tuerlinckx in Trends : Fiscal pacification (02/04/2024)

25 years ago almost to the day, the ‘new’ tax dispute resolution legislation was enacted with the acts of 15 and 27 March 1999. It was a major reform. It put a definitive end to the jurisdictional function of the objection stage.
Jan Tuerlinckx

Columnn J. Tuerlinckx in Trends: Getting withholding tax from company managers: an ongoing battle (29/2/2024)

We need to talk about withholding tax. As natural persons, we all pay taxes on our professional income. The personal income tax is settled for each calendar year. You declare your income in the middle of the calendar year following the one in which you received that income
Jan Tuerlinckx

Column J. Tuerlinckx in Trens: The superlative form of legistic negationism (08/02/2024)

Didactics dictates that before discussing a superlative form, the basic form should first be explained. The best thing, therefore, is to start with the concept of ‘legistic negationism’, which is not included in the Oxford dictionary. ‘Negationism’, which is included, stands for the denial or extreme minimisation of generally accepted historical events. In Dutch, the term ‘formal legistics’ is synonymous with ‘legislative technique’.